Legal information

The website belongs to Adelina MARS, Entrepreneur Individuel.

Registered office: 3 Route des Ecobuts 44600 Saint Nazaire (France).

Publication manager: Adeline Marsac
Tel : +33785492644
Email :
VAT not applicable, art. 293 B du CGI.


The website is hosted by OVH. Head office: 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix.

Website creation

The website was created by Charly Web Design, 186B Route de l’Etang-la-Ville, 78750 Mareil-Marly, France.

Privacy policy

The information entered on the contact form is only used to contact you later. This data is transmitted securely and encrypted using the HTTPS protocol. Data is not transmitted to third parties and is stored securely on OVH servers only for the duration of our exchanges.


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